The Surprising Health Benefits of Seltzers

Seltzers have surged in popularity as a go-to choice for health-conscious individuals seeking a refreshing and flavourful beverage. 

In this exploration, we unpack the surprising health benefits of seltzers, and talk around the particularly intriguing combination of seltzer and alcohol. 

Read on.

What is Seltzer?

Seltzer, a bubbly and effervescent drink, is carbonated water infused with various flavours. This fizzy delight has become a staple, offering a crisp alternative to traditional soft drinks. And now surging in popularity are seltzer variations with a dash of alcohol added. Let’s talk about them all.

The Making of Seltzer

Crafted through carbonation, seltzer is born from pure water, providing a clean canvas for flavour infusion. This process ensures a light and invigorating beverage that captivates the senses. 

Seltzer Meaning and Origin

The term “seltzer” finds its roots in the German word “selterser,” denoting water from the Niederselters mineral springs. Today, seltzer has evolved into a versatile and trendy beverage with a rich history.

Seltzer Water Benefits

Low Calorie and Low Sugar Bliss

Seltzers stand out as a guilt-free pleasure, boasting low calorie and sugar content. Revel in the effervescence without compromising your health goals. 

Hydration Beyond the Ordinary

Seltzers contribute to your daily water intake, offering a hydrating experience with a delightful twist. The crispness of seltzer makes staying hydrated a joyous endeavour. 

Digestive Delight

Embrace improved digestion and gut health with seltzers, known for their gentle yet effective impact on the digestive system. Say goodbye to heavy sodas and welcome a refreshing alternative. 

Hangover Haven

Seltzers may even come to the rescue after a night of indulgence. When you choose the non-alcoholic option, you can experience relief from hangover symptoms by opting for this effervescent elixir.

Seltzer Alcohol: Healthier Than Beer?

Comparing Seltzer Alcohol and Beer

Seltzer evolution soon included an infusion with alcohol, like vodka. These hard seltzers are now globally enjoyed as a lighter drinking option.

When it comes to seltzer alcohol versus beer, seltzers emerge as the healthier contender. With lower calorie and sugar content, seltzer alcohol offers a more guilt-free option for those mindful of their well-being. 

Reduced Health Risks

Opting for hard seltzer, rather than beer, is the better choice. Remember, though, that they still contain alcohol, which does affect health negatively if abused. Again, moderation is always key.

Diverse Ways to Sip and Savour

Straight Sipping

Indulge in the straightforward pleasure of alcohol seltzers by sipping them directly, allowing the effervescence to tickle your taste buds. Whether you prefer the simplicity of a classic seltzer or the boldness of flavoured varieties, straight sipping offers a pure and refreshing experience.

Creative Cocktails

Transform your alcohol seltzers into captivating cocktails by experimenting with different spirits, mixers, and garnishes. Unleash your inner mixologist and craft unique concoctions that showcase the versatility of seltzers. From fruity fusions to herb-infused delights, the possibilities are endless for creating beverages that tantalise your taste buds.

Here are a few ideas to get you going:

1. Berry Breeze Bliss


  • 1 can of berry-flavoured alcohol seltzer
  • 1 oz vodka
  • 1/2 oz elderflower liqueur
  • Fresh mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) for garnish
  • Ice cubes


  1. In a shaker, combine vodka and elderflower liqueur with ice.
  2. Shake well and strain the mixture into a glass filled with ice cubes.
  3. Top it off with a can of berry-flavoured alcohol seltzer.
  4. Stir gently to combine.
  5. Garnish with fresh mixed berries.
  6. Enjoy the berry-infused bliss!
  1. Citrus Mint Fizz


  • 1 can of citrus-flavoured alcohol seltzer
  • 1 oz gin
  • 1/2 oz simple syrup
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • Slices of lime for garnish
  • Ice cubes


  1. Muddle a few mint leaves in the bottom of a glass.
  2. Add gin and simple syrup to the glass with ice.
  3. Top it off with a can of citrus-flavoured alcohol seltzer.
  4. Stir gently to combine the ingredients.
  5. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and lime slices.
  6. Enjoy the refreshing citrus and mint fizz!
  1. Tropical Tango Tequila Twist


  • 1 can of tropical-flavoured alcohol seltzer
  • 1 oz tequila
  • 1/2 oz coconut cream
  • Pineapple wedge for garnish
  • Ice cubes


  1. In a shaker, combine tequila and coconut cream with ice.
  2. Shake well and strain the mixture into a glass filled with ice cubes.
  3. Top it off with a can of tropical-flavoured alcohol seltzer.
  4. Stir gently to blend the flavours.
  5. Garnish with a pineapple wedge.
  6. Enjoy the tropical tango tequila twist!

Feel free to customise these recipes based on your preferences, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different spirits, mixers, and garnishes to create your unique seltzer cocktails. Cheers!

Mocktail Marvels

For those occasions when you prefer a non-alcoholic option, turn your alcohol seltzers into mocktail masterpieces. Blend that good old plain seltzer water with fruit juices, muddled herbs, and sweet syrups to create refreshing and sophisticated alcohol-free alternatives. 

Of course, you could add alcohol-free seltzer to any of the above recipes and they’ll be just as tasty.

Pairing Alcohol Seltzer Elixirs with Foods

Come with us on a culinary journey and discover the delightful synergy between alcohol seltzers and a diverse array of foods. The art of pairing involves finding the perfect balance between the effervescent, nuanced flavours of seltzers and the distinct characteristics of different dishes. Whether your palate craves casual delights or gourmet creations, mastering the art of pairing can elevate your dining experience.

1. Casual Snacking Harmony

For casual and laid-back evenings, consider pairing your alcohol seltzers with a variety of snacks. The crispness and refreshing qualities of seltzers complement light and savoury bites such as popcorn, nachos, or bruschetta. The effervescence of the seltzer can cut through the richness of cheesy or fried snacks, providing a perfect balance for casual gatherings or movie nights.

2. Fresh and Vibrant Salads

Explore the refreshing side of pairings by matching alcohol seltzers with fresh and vibrant salads. The effervescence enhances the crispness of the greens, while the subtle flavours of the seltzer won’t overpower the delicate notes of a well-crafted salad. Try pairing a citrus-flavoured seltzer with a summer salad adorned with fruits or a cucumber-infused seltzer with a classic Greek salad for a burst of flavour.

3. Seafood Sensations

Bring out the best in both seafood and alcohol seltzers by combining their unique characteristics. The light and effervescent nature of seltzers pairs exceptionally well with seafood dishes, such as grilled shrimp, ceviche, or fish tacos. Consider a tropical-flavoured seltzer to complement the flavours of grilled fish or a lime-infused seltzer to enhance the zestiness of ceviche.

4. Gourmet Grilling Delights

For sophisticated dinner parties or upscale occasions, explore the world of gourmet grill pairings. The versatility of alcohol seltzers allows them to harmonise with a range of grilled delights, from succulent steaks to grilled vegetables. Match the smokiness of barbecue flavours with a bold berry-flavoured seltzer or enhance the richness of grilled meats with a hint of herbal-infused seltzer.

5. Dessert Decadence

Cap off your dining experience on a sweet note by pairing alcohol seltzers with decadent desserts. The effervescence and subtle sweetness of seltzers can complement the richness of chocolate desserts or the tartness of fruit-based sweets. Consider a vanilla-infused seltzer with a creamy cheesecake or a citrus-flavoured seltzer to cut through the sweetness of a fruity dessert.

Creating Memorable Moments

Whether you’re hosting a laid-back evening with friends or a sophisticated dinner party, the art of pairing alcohol seltzers with various foods adds an extra layer of enjoyment to your culinary experiences. Experiment with different combinations, trust your palate, and savour the memorable moments created by the perfect harmony between seltzers and culinary delights. Cheers to the art of pairing perfection!

Seltzer Mixology Workshops

Consider organising or attending seltzer mixology workshops to expand your repertoire of seltzer-based beverages. Learn new techniques, discover exciting flavour combinations, and share your creations with fellow enthusiasts. These workshops can be a fun and educational way to enhance your appreciation for the art of seltzer mixology.

Consider making seltzers your beverage of choice for a delightful and slightly more health-conscious experience. Norman Goodfellows, your trusted supplier of seltzers and more, invites you to explore our world of effervescent joy.

Shop our seltzers now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to drink seltzers every day?

Moderation is key. While seltzers are generally a low-calorie and hydrating beverage, it’s essential to be mindful of your overall beverage intake. Drinking seltzers every day in moderation is generally considered safe, but it’s important to maintain a balanced and varied diet for optimal health.

Can seltzers replace water for hydration?

While seltzers contribute to your daily fluid intake, water should remain the primary source of hydration. Plain water is essential for maintaining proper bodily functions, and while seltzers can be a refreshing alternative, they may contain added flavours or artificial sweeteners. It’s recommended to drink an adequate amount of plain water for optimal hydration.

Can seltzers cause bloating or other digestive issues?

Some individuals may experience bloating or gas after consuming carbonated beverages, including seltzers. This is often due to the release of gas in the digestive system. If you notice digestive discomfort, it may be helpful to limit carbonated beverage consumption and observe your body’s response.

Are there any negative side effects of drinking seltzer alcohol?

Consuming seltzer alcohol in moderation is generally safe for most adults. However, excessive alcohol intake can lead to negative health effects, including liver problems and impaired judgment. Additionally, the carbonation in seltzers may exacerbate the feeling of intoxication. It’s crucial to be mindful of your alcohol consumption and adhere to recommended guidelines for responsible drinking.